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BibleWorks 7 DVD Setup Free: Learn Biblical Languages and Exegesis with This Powerful Tool


We're happy to announce a new, free update to BibleWorks 10. BW10 now comes with the Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. When you move the mouse over English text in the Browse Window, the related EDB entry appears instantly in the new Dict tab in the Analysis Window:

BibleWorks 7 DVD setup free

Now available as a free update for BibleWorks 10 users who purchased the SOLN or SOLM module: the full UBS5 apparatus (including Discourse Segmentation Apparatus and Cross-references). This extensive apparatus is closely integrated with the text in BibleWorks. Move the mouse over the text and the UBS5 apparatus entry appears in the Analysis Window.

Now available as a free update for BibleWorks 10 users: the full morphology for the Alexandrinus Greek text. BibleWorks already comes with the text and a full set of high-resolution images of Alexandrinus.

The Biblia Hebraica Quinta text and extensive apparatus has been added to the Stuttgart Original Languages package. Currently, only Deuteronomy, Ezra, Nehemiah, and the Megilloth are published. The free patch updates the SOLO/SOLM Modules with the latest BHQ files. It is available only for people who have purchased the SOLO or SOLM add on module.

The Gosepl of Thomas (Greek, Coptic, English, etc.) have been added to the Stuttgart Original Languages package. Searchable text and PDF facimiles of the print edition are included. The free patch updates the SOLN/SOLM Modules with the latest Gospel of Thomas files. It is available only for people who have purchased the SOLN or SOLM add on module.

We've made arrangements so that BibleWorks 9 users can have free access to the BibleWorks 9 Mac Installer. No fee is required. Note: The BibleWorks 10 Mac Installer is substantially improved over the BibleWorks 9 Mac Installer.

We've put a lot of effort into the BibleWorks 9 Mac Installer-- many fixes and improvements enable you to run BibleWorks 9 natively on your Mac using customized WINE libraries. Existing Mac Public Preview users can update free here: 10/25/2013 Mavericks Compatibility: The native Mac version (BibleWorks Mac Installer) is compatible with OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). Click here to apply the update! For only $6 you can try it today!

BibleWorks 9 now comes with the Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th revised edition (includes lemmatization and morphological tagging)! Existing users can add the NA28 to their installation by purchasing an updated BibleWorks 9 Revision 4 DVD set (click here). Due to licensing restrictions we cannot offer these updates as free downloads, but the databases detailed below are all contained in the new BibleWorks 9 Revision 4 DVD set.

We've posted new free Bibles for BibleWorks 9 users: Polish Updated Gdańsk Bible (2013) (contains the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs), Bibelen 2011 Norsk (Bokmål), and Bibelen 2011 Norsk (Nynorsk). Also, previously posted were Portuguese King James Atualizada, Portuguese Interconfessional Translation (RCS) (2009), and Bulgarian Veren version. You can download them by going to the main BibleWorks menu and selecting Help BibleWorks on the Internet Check for updates.

We've posted a new free Bible for BibleWorks 9 users: King James Atualizada, a Portuguese translation of the King James Bible. It can be downloaded by going to the main BibleWorks menu and selecting Help BibleWorks on the Internet Check for updates.

April 30, 2012 Free update: Contemporary Chinese Version We've posted a new free Bible for BibleWorks 9 users: Contemporary Chinese Version (Traditional Chinese) New Testament, copyright 2010 Chinese Bible International Limited. It can be downloaded by going to the main BibleWorks menu and selecting Help BibleWorks on the Internet Check for updates.

March 23, 2012 Free update: New Russian NT Bible version We've posted a new free Bible for BibleWorks 9 users. This Russian translation, from the Bible Translation Institute at Zaoksky University in Russia, is a new inter-denomination translation of the New Testament and Psalms created in collaboration with scholars from Orthodox and Protestant seminaries in Russia. The recent document by the Russian Orthodox Biblical commission on new translations noted the reliability and high quality of the translation. It can be downloaded by going to the main BibleWorks menu and selecting Help BibleWorks on the Internet Check for updates.

February 2, 2012 Updated: Wallace's Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics We've reformatted Wallace's Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics, improving the format and adding new functionality. This free update to BibleWorks 9 users added Unicode Greek fonts, user-configurable text size, and automatic section titles.

August 1, 2011 BibleWorks 9 now available! Yes, it's that time again! A new version of BibleWorks is available! You'll dig deeper with the new features and databases in BibleWorks 9 as you focus on the text. Taste a sample of what is possible in these new demonstration videos! You can even get free BW9 wallpaper here. Click here to order today!

February 17, 2011 BibleWorks Action Photos Do you have some interesting, fun, or just normal pictures of BibleWorks in use? Send it in and it might show up on our BibleWorks Action Photos page! Click here for more information:

This update is a free download for users of BibleWorks 8. It can be downloaded by going to the main BibleWorks menu and selecting Help BibleWorks on the Internet Check for updates.

These updates are a free download for users of BibleWorks 7 and BibleWorks 8. They can be downloaded by going to the main BibleWorks menu and selecting Help BibleWorks on the Internet Check for updates.

Click here for details.... September 23, 2009 New Turkish New Testament Available A new Turkish New Testament version by Dr. Thomas Cosmades is now available for free download for BibleWorks 8 users. This version contains a Browse Window text version and an HTML Help version. The HTML Help version is tagged to appear in the Resource Summary Window.

March 4, 2009 Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament Module now free to BW8 users! The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament Module (J.H. Moulton and G. Milligan) is now available as a free download for BW7 and BW8 users! Those who purchased this module in 2009 will automatically have a refund sent to them. Click here for details...

March 2, 2009 Bibliographical Information A BibleWorks 8 Help update adds bibliographical information for all the databases and selected program features in BW 8. The information is found in chapter 62 of the BW 8 help file. From there you can copy and paste the information into a word processing document. Also included are Zotero RDF, Refer-BiblX, BibTeX, and RIS files containing all the bibliography information. You can use these files to import the information into your favorite bibliography program. The help file discusses where these files are found in the BibleWorks directory, and provides instructions how to import this data into the free Zotero plugin to the Firefox browser. Click here for details....

January 29, 2009 Heidelberg Catechism, Three Forms of Unity The Heidelberg Catechism and a combined CHM of the Three Forms of Unity has been added as a "freebie" to show our appreciation to our users. Click here for details....

January 16, 2009 Japanese Kogoyaku Bible Version The Japanese Kogoyaku Bible Version has been added as a "freebie" to show our appreciation to our users. Click here for details....

Janaury 14, 2009 Westminster Confession, Canons of Dort and Arminian Articles, Belgic Confession, and 1689 London Baptist Confession These church creeds have been added in linked, CHM format to BibleWorks 8 as a "freebie" to show our appreciation to our users. Click here for details....

1. Verify that the external hard drive has sufficient free space. (For BibleWorks 9, the installation files total about 12 GB. For earlier versions the requirement will be less.)2. Connect the external drive to a computer that does have an optical (DVD or CD) drive.3. Insert the Program Disk (Disk 1) in the computer. If an Autoplay window opens, click Open Folder to View Files; otherwise, cancel the prompt to install BibleWorks if it comes up.4. If it has not already opened, open My Computer (also known as Windows Explorer) on the computer. In Windows Vista, 7, or 10 go to Start Computer. In Windows 8 search for File Explorer.5. Verify that both the external hard drive and the BibleWorks disk are visible in the My Computer window.6. View the contents of the external drive by clicking the icon for it in the folder tree.7. Create a new folder named "test" on the external drive, make that the active folder, then proceed.

1. Start the computer to which BibleWorks is to be installed. 2. Check to make certain that there is enough free drive space for the installation to be performed.3. Mount the external hard drive or flash drive by plugging into a USB port. Wait for Windows to recognize the drive. This action will install BibleWorks from the folder you had copied to the external drive.- If a window opens offering choices, select the option to open a window to view the files on the drive.- If no such menu appears, it may be necessary to open a Computer or My Computer window to view the contents of the drive.4. If necessary, open the folder that contains the BibleWorks files.5. Find SETUP.EXE and double-click on it to execute it. (If file extensions do not display, the EXE will not show. The file to be executed must be an Application file. The icon will appear in blues and whites, and the file type will be an application file.)6. Follow the installation steps from this point as prompted. Reboot the computer when the process is complete. 2ff7e9595c

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